I showed up at the Bellagio around 8:00 pm Friday night, planning to play $ 25 / $ 50 for about 6-10 hours. I like to play long sessions whenever possible. There is something about shuffling chips and getting cards that are just hard to get away from.
The crash happened about 8 hours in my session. Due to bad timing with AK in the pot 3-bet, in which my opponent folded a set against my top pair, and because of my boat trips, I was stuck at $ 45,000.
Today I am going to show you how to be smart in losing poker sessions. I'll share three questions that I always ask myself before leaving the game, as well as a few stories from my career that demonstrate what you should and shouldn't do during a losing session.
I remember a session in which one of my best friends played in 2010. He started playing full ring for $ 0.50 / $ 1 and quickly got stuck around 12 buy-ins. He immediately decided that he would not leave the session until he made money. DI think he made a huge mistake playing so long for such a stupid reason. It's hard to keep playing a full game for more than 24 hours. But the funny thing about this is that when I'm stuck, I always want to go back!
At one point, the guy to my right sat down at about 10 pm in my session. He looks at me and says, "Wait, are you still here?" I laughed and confirmed what was obvious, given that I was wearing the same clothes as the day before.
Of course, 26 hours in my session, I did it! I am unstuck. I turned a $ 45,000 loser into a $ 4,000 winner. I did what seemed almost impossible 12 hours ago.
I think by the end of the session I doubled 6 different players. Some are for small stacks of $ 3,000, some with stacks up to $ 25,000. But I still left as a winner.
I felt great ordering a win at Bellagio, but I would be lying if I said that this is my happiest $ 4000 win ever. I can think of one that made me even happier with this activity compared to Sauce123.
With expansive charts for online cash games, real-time cash games and tournaments, you'll be prepared for a winning base strategy no matter what game you play. It can be very difficult to know when to hold on and when to live in order to fight another day. Here are 3 questions you should ask yourself before deciding whether to continue with the session or not.
Remember, if the stain is good, you must keep sanding. But if it doesn't, there will definitely be another day of poker. Life is just one long session.